DefaultGameState: {
    actions: ActionReference[];
    objects: GameObjectReference[];
    roomAlias: string;
    roomImages: string[];
    roomName: string;
    text: string[];
    type: "default";

Instruct the client application to update the Canvas page with new information

Type declaration

  • actions: ActionReference[]

    Actions that are available to the player

  • objects: GameObjectReference[]

    Game objects that can be interacted with by the player

  • roomAlias: string

    Alias of the room the player is in

  • roomImages: string[]

    Images of the room the player is in

  • roomName: string

    Name of the room the player is in

  • text: string[]

    Lines of text to show to the player

  • type: "default"

    Discriminiator to distinguish between different game state types